Saturday, June 14, 2008

Welcome Googlers

Since I've put up this blog, it has received a steady trickle of visitors from Google searches related to solar / electric / recumbent bicycles. I find this fascinating reading and thought I would share the list of search terms some of you are using to find this site. Here's a list of the top searches based on how long each person spent on the site. The map to the right shows which cities visitors are from.

  • how to build recumbent bike
  • solar power bicycle build your own
  • electric bike solar
  • solar bike conversion
  • mid drive electric bicycle motors
  • recumbent bicycle solar panels & kits
  • tadpole trike mid-drive setup
  • solar powered recumbent
  • recumbent bicycle solar
  • how to make solar powered bicycles
For those of you who are considering a solar powered bicycle project, I recommend starting with my entry on How to Build a Solar Powered Bike. Drop me a comment. I'm curious to hear about your projects.