A personal record. I estimate about 10 miles of this was on solar power, 50-60 miles on charge stored in the batteries (including a 3 hour recharge at a solar-powered facility using plug-in AC battery chargers) and the rest was good old fashioned pedaling. My cruising speed was usually between 20 and 30 miles per hour, depending on the terrain and headwind/tailwind. Here are some numbers for those of you who like numbers:
Total Distance: 186.9 km (116.1 mi)
Moving Time: 5:46
Average Moving Speed: 32.3 km/h (20.1 mi/h)
Max Speed: 66.6 km/h (41.4 mi/h)
Min Elevation: -76 m (-249 ft)
Max Elevation: 197 m (646 ft)
Elevation Gain: 1433 m (4702 ft)
Max Grade: 23 %
Min Grade: -14 %
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