A personal record. I estimate about 10 miles of this was on solar power, 50-60 miles on charge stored in the batteries (including a 3 hour recharge at a solar-powered facility using plug-in AC battery chargers) and the rest was good old fashioned pedaling. My cruising speed was usually between 20 and 30 miles per hour, depending on the terrain and headwind/tailwind. Here are some numbers for those of you who like numbers:
Total Distance: 186.9 km (116.1 mi)
Moving Time: 5:46
Average Moving Speed: 32.3 km/h (20.1 mi/h)
Max Speed: 66.6 km/h (41.4 mi/h)
Min Elevation: -76 m (-249 ft)
Max Elevation: 197 m (646 ft)
Elevation Gain: 1433 m (4702 ft)
Max Grade: 23 %
Min Grade: -14 %
Created by My Tracks on Android.
Very cool project. Hat's off to you!
I wonder how much more work (from drag and friction) is required by the addition of the panels and batteries as it relates to manpower.
Even if it breaks even then you still have a net positive because switching on battery power allows you to budget your manpower while still moving.
wow, 116 Miles. I will drop dead after 10 miles probably.
Really i would like to buy this....
nice bikebike
Greetings form NYC, this looks great! Good job.
Great job, I see Im not the only one trying to build a solar cycle. i have my panels taking the place of the wind screen/shield for less wind resistance.
This is a wonderful project! I'm actually doing the same experiment for a research project (with about a 250 dollar budget) and this data is very useful for comparing.
Wow.... that's great. My biggest trip by bike was 27 miles..... It was hard but awesome.( from Hunter NY to Predsvill NY)
Palomarbob · Camper · Southern California Nov 22, 2012
06:55am PT
Palomarbob math 2007
This will help you
((Mph)^2.51) ((# miles/day)^1.45) ((# seats)^0.305) = (457) (solar panel watts)
20.1 mph
10 miles/day
1 seat
= 214 Solar panel watts
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